The 1000 most common English words

These are the most common words in English, ranked in frequency order. The first 25 make up about a third of all printed material, the first 100 about half of all written material and the first 300 about the 65 percent of it.

Palabras más utilizadas 1 - 100
the (/ðə/ /ðiː/)of (/əv/)to (/tu/)and (/ənd/)
a (/ə/)in (/ɪn/)is (/ɪz/)it (/ɪt/)
you (/ju/)that (/ðæt/)he (/hi/)was (/wɑz/)
for (/fɔr/)on (/ɑn/)are (/ɑr/)with (/wɪð/)
as (/æz/)I (/aɪ/)his (/hɪz/)they (/ðeɪ/)
be (/bi/)at (/æt/)one (/wʌn/)have (/hæv/)
this (/ðɪs/)from (/frɑm/)or (/ɔr/)had (/həd/)
by (/baɪ/)hot (/hɑt/)word (/wɜrd/)but (/bʌt/)
what (/wɑt/)some (/sʌm/)we (/wi/)can (/kæn/)
out (/aʊt/)other (/ˈʌðər/)were (/wɜr/)all (/ɔl/)
there (/ðer/)when (/wen/)up (/ʌp/)use (/juz/)
your (/jʊr/)how (/haʊ/)said (/sed/)an (/æn/)
each (/itʃ/)she (/ʃi/)which (/wɪtʃ/)do (/du/)
their (/ðer/)time (/taɪm/)if (/ɪf/)will (/wɪl/)
way (/weɪ/)about (/əˈbaʊt/)many (/ˈmeni/)then (/ðen/)
them (/ðem/)write (/raɪt/)would (/wʊd/)like (/laɪk/)
so (/soʊ/)these (/ðiz/)her (/hɜr/)long (/lɔŋ/)
make (/meɪk/)thing (/θɪŋ/)see (/si/)him (/hɪm/)
two (/tu/)has (/həz/)look (/lʊk/)more (/mɔr/)
day (/deɪ/)could (/kʊd/)go (/ɡoʊ/)come (/kʌm/)
did (/dɪd/)number (/ˈnʌmbər/)sound (/saʊnd/)no (/noʊ/)
most (/moʊst/)people (/ˈpip(ə)l/)my (/maɪ/)over (/ˈoʊvər/)
know (/noʊ/)water (/ˈwɔtər/)than (/ðæn/)call (/kɔl/)
first (/fɜrst/)who (/hu/)may (/meɪ/)down (/daʊn/)
side (/saɪd/)been (/bɪn/)now (/naʊ/)find (/faɪnd/)